Saturday, June 4, 2011


I ran my first and last marathon today. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done ~ and I thought bombshell training was hard. I had only trained up to 8 miles (although I ran a 1/2 marathon last October). I have a new respect for marathoners. My feet began blistering at mile 4 and I got two bandaids at mile 7.4 ~ I used them for my right foot even though I felt my left foot beginning to blister. I kept telling myself that I could get more bandaids at the next aid station, but no one had them. It wasn't until mile 22 that I got more bandaids but my time was running, so I just lived with it until the end. Ryan and the kids met me at the finish line and we got a cinnamon roll at the Beachside Cafe on Alki. I have the most amazing, supportive husband in the world, who also happens to be my best friend. I love him! (Sorry about the way gross pictures of my feet, but I always want to remember this for the next time a get a crazy idea to run a full marathon two weeks later).


Ben said...

Atleast you have super cute toes!! Great Monica. We can't wait to see you guys!!!

Rachael said...

Those are some terrible blisters! I'm proud of you for doing it!! Love you!!!

andre'a said...

THITHO! YOU DID IT! I am SO proud of you!

andre'a said...

heck, if i'd only trained for 2 weeks (in time for the taper), it would have taken me a lot longer than 5:14. and Thitho, you were sick and everything! You're AMAZING! The power of positive thinking, no?

andre'a said...