Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Apollo's new name is ADAM after they had to call that code at walmart today. I've been a mother for 11 years, and sure I've lost my children a dozen times, but never like this.

I took Apollo to Wal-Mart with me so he could pick out a gift for Halea for secret santa that we're starting for the kids this year. I was in the makeup isle and he was getting extra excited to get out of the cart, so I let him out. He stayed close for a minute and then took off. I followed him, allowing him to keep some distance between us, but he was still in sight. Then I lost sight of him. I started calling for him loudly and he answered me once, but it wasn't enough for me to locate him. One of the managers came over and asked if I was finding everything ok and I told him I couldn't find my son. He immediately radioed a code ADAM which locks down the whole store until the missing child (turd) is found. About ten minuted later he was found and he spent the rest of our trip buckled tightly into the shopping cart.

My visiting teacher brought over a platter of goodies this afternoon and I couldn't have needed it more. Today was my first day off of medication since the surgery and the homemade caramels hit the spot.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Life is good

I had breast augmentation today. I took the anesthesia pretty hard, and it took me all day to wake up from it. I'm moving pretty slow and trying to follow Dr orders: not lifting, walking around, eating. Ryan is taking VERY good care of me and the kids. My chest is pretty swollen. I knew it would be and I opted to go a little bit bigger because I have heard that most women are thrilled with their results immediately and then are disappointed when the swelling goes down.

We bought our new van this weekend. It's a 2003 Honda Odyssey. Although it's not as new as I would like it to be, it only has 52,000 on it. It was serviced at Bellevue Honda every 3,000 miles and has been meticulously maintained. It has leather interior, wood trim inside, a DVD system, heated seats ~ pretty much every goodie anyone could want. We only had to come out of pocket $3,000, so our savings is still pretty intact. I feel so blessed!
Here's what our actual van looks like.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blessings from Angels

Our 2001 Ford Windstar died a few days ago. With Ryan being in school and on unemployment, and our childsupport drying up, and my caregiving money ending, it's not a great time for us to buy an expensive van. I've been looking at bandaid (or vandaid) solutions just to get us by until Ryan is done with school. All the vans that we could afford had very high miles and there's no guarantee that they would last us for the year. Ryan's dad was aware of our predicament and told Ryan that he wanted to help. We are going to put in what we would have spent on a vandaid and he will make up the rest. I can't believe how he is blessing us!
His dad's friend goes to auctions and knows of a 2005 Honda Odyssey (like the picture), so we may get that one.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Toothfairy update

Last night I remembered to put $1 under Parker's pillow. That is amazing, because I usually forget until tear-filled eyes approach me in the morning because the toothfairy didn't come. The boys got up before I did this morning, so I wasn't there to see the excited expression on Parker's face. While I was getting him dressed, I asked him if the toothfairy had come. He said no, but that Bryce had given him a dollar. I went over to Parker's pillow to discover that the dollar I had placed there was missing. I found it on Parker's dresser and slyly tried to hide it under his pillow. He didn't buy it. He insisted that the dollar I had put under his pillow was the Bryce dollar. So, I have one son that is a glory thief and one that is a non believer. What a Monday.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


We'll be having a visit from the toothfairy tonight.

As I was getting Parker ready for church, I noticed that his tooth was pretty loose. I wiggled it and thought it was ready, so I asked him if he wanted me to pull it out. He said no, and a minute later he pulled it out himself. No tears, no freaking out. It was great! He was so excited that he took the tooth to church, and lost it there.

I think the toothfairy will make an exception for a twice lost tooth this time.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tanked Tank

We decided to give Tank back to his owners. After four days of pooping and peeing in the house, barking at every noise he heard, and humping (or honking as Parker calls it) every member of the family, especially Halea, we decided he needed to go. The owners were not thrilled that we wanted to bring him back, but they did take him. We may look into getting a guinea pig or a lizard.