Monday, December 6, 2010

Toothfairy update

Last night I remembered to put $1 under Parker's pillow. That is amazing, because I usually forget until tear-filled eyes approach me in the morning because the toothfairy didn't come. The boys got up before I did this morning, so I wasn't there to see the excited expression on Parker's face. While I was getting him dressed, I asked him if the toothfairy had come. He said no, but that Bryce had given him a dollar. I went over to Parker's pillow to discover that the dollar I had placed there was missing. I found it on Parker's dresser and slyly tried to hide it under his pillow. He didn't buy it. He insisted that the dollar I had put under his pillow was the Bryce dollar. So, I have one son that is a glory thief and one that is a non believer. What a Monday.


Rachael said...

How sad! And funny. I've had a crappy Monday too. My flat iron is broken, my kids were crazy while my visiting teachers were here and Olive is SO grumpy!

andre'a said...

that's hilarious!

andre'a said...

Clark kept saying "fart" at church. And we treat that as our "f" word here, we never say it. The humor and embarrassment of it all.