Sunday, November 14, 2010


The girl next to me placed fourth or fifth.

Ryan took such good care of the kids, his mom, the house, and then me when I was feeling crappy about not placing. He cleaned the house, kept his mom comfortable, and kept the kids alive. I can't believe how incredibly blessed I am to have him. And somehow he feels the same way about me.


andre'a said...

That's because you're a beautiful, vivacious woman. That's why he feels, and IS, so lucky. No, blessed.

andre'a said...

Thitho, don't worship the body image stuff. You're so much more than that.

andre'a said...

And Heavenly Father doesn't judge you from those short-sighted standards. You'll always be "too much" of something or "too little" of something else and they just aren't the things that matter most.

andre'a said...

Those kids of yours will identify you as the most influential person of their lives. And those judges? Or the people competing with you? They'll maybe recognize you but that's about it.