Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Independent Apollo

Ollie has been dressing himself again. I love the sweatshirt that he put on backwards, but still had the good sense to pull his hood around and put it on. And the second outfit
the day was two shirts: one on top and one on bottom.
I think this independence is a good thing since he's almost four ~ it's time to
get serious with the potty training. My goal is to have him potty trained before
his birthday. I have 3 1/2 weeks. We'll see!


Rachael said...

Noah also likes to put things on backward when he dresses himself. Sometimes it's to be funny...sometimes it's an accident but it never bother him. Good luck with potty training. I sent Noah to preschool with an index card safety pinned to him that said "I'm wearing undies" as a reminder to his teachers and he never really had accidents but it helped that he was in preschool.

Monica said...

That's a great idea ~ to remind the teachers AND the kid. I'm going to try it.

andre'a said...

thitho, that's HILARIOUS! I love that Ollie has to pull on the hood the whole time.

andre'a said...

we got this "Booty Camp" potty training from the library. I'll try and call today and tell you all about it (even though it seems you're already making it happen!). I'll call anyway...I just miss you's!

Burkulater said...

Awe! Cute ;)