Friday, February 11, 2011

Apollo's progress on the potty

It's going great! Not an accident since yesterday at noon, and he even woke up dry this morning! I wanted to start over the weekend when we don't have to go anywhere, so we can just focus on the routine. I'm taking him and Parker every 1/2 -1 hour and they get a small treat if they pee or poo on the potty. Halea gets a treat too, for giving moral support. I don't agree with rewarding my kids with candy, but I hate changing diapers more, so the candy wins.


andre'a said...

Thitho, wow! He's really starting to feel when he needs to go. That's wonderful!

andre'a said...

We're on the other end (pun intended). With just starting potty training with our FIRST! Hmm...

Burkulater said...

Our 2 YO wanted to try and went all day - for one day only! After that she's boycotted, so I'm going to wait a couple of months and try again. Oh, to be diaper free again!