Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to School

Apollo had his first day of preschool yesterday, which meant that it was just Halea and me for 2 1/2 hours. It was GLORIOUS! I was able to clean the kitchen, and have it stay clean. I made some phone calls without my kids screaming in the background. I was able to care for Leslie without anyone (Bryce) pounding on the door for me to hurry up so I can come back in the house and "get them" something (we've had a serious case of the "get me's" lately). And when it was time to get Parker and Ollie home, I was ready for them. Today Ryan and I have a trip to the gym and costco (for early Christmas shopping without the kids) planned ~ there's just so much life to live in 2 1/2 hours.

My training is going well. I actually enjoy the training ~ it's the dieting that is the hard part. I'm in the best shape of my life. When I reflect on the last year I can see how much my fitness has had a hand in helping me deal with everything. A year ago the new Y opened and I took a job there teaching cardio sculpt classes, not knowing that five months later I would be using all of those muscles I was building to care for my dying mother-in-law. I wouldn't have been strong enough earlier to give the intensive kind of care she requires. At the same time that we brought her home, I was going through the process of figuring out what's wrong with Parker. Ryan and I trained for our first 1/2 marathon and completed it in June. It was the coolest thing we've ever done together, aside from making two babies. Exercise has been such a huge part of my life and it's helped me in all areas of my life. Physically, but also emotionally. It's the one selfish thing I do for me every day. It allows me to give time to my thoughts or just to shut my brain off and go through the motions of what my body is doing physically. It's been a constant in my life (that and Ryan) that have helped me deal with what life has offered.
I'm happy.


Rachael said...

Three kids at school?! Sounds wonderful. I mean, I don't want Olive to go to school any time soon but Hazel..

andre'a said...

Thitho, I'm so glad for you! What blessings, you know?

andre'a said...

also, welcome back to blogging. I've been amissing you'th!

andre'a said...

thanks for writing on my blog. it feels a lot more personal to know that you and Rachael are the only ones who read it. I love you.

andre'a said...

isn't fitness incredible?! these bodies are gifts from our Heavenly Father and I know that the spirits on the other side of the veil don't feel complete without theirs. What a blessing it is to have health, to be able to move.

andre'a said...

also, diet's the thing I've never gotten a handle on. starting slow with candy this year, but I want to try a year of clean eating. i think it's my next New Year's resolution. tricky, tricky.