Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Job Hunt

Now that Ryan is done with school ( and taking his state boards as I write) we have decided that both of us should go back to work.We will work opposite shifts so that our kids don't have to be in daycare. I applied for and interviewed for a job with our school district. I thought the interview went great (although I totally bombed a question about a ten minute seizure being a life-threatening emergency ~ oops). That was the Friday before all the snow, so it's been a week and a half. The kids were off almost the entire week, so I know the administration offices were closed. I've had very brief contact with the interviewer, but I really don't know where I stand. Aside from this job being fun and interesting and stable, it would give me the same breaks my kids have from school. So perfect! I've been looking at other nursing jobs and nothing jumps out as something that would utilize my skills as well as this would. I know whatever happens it will be a blessing.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hopefully you get the job you want!!