Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Parker: The Avenger or Bike Messenger???

Parker dressed himself in all of his fancy gear. Notice the bike helmet, combat gloves, shin guards (also for combat), and life jacket. In his exclamations I couldn't decipher if he thought he was a bike messenger "got to get it there", or some kind of combat avenger "I'll get those guys". I'm guessing it was more combat avenger by the hellish scene him and Apollo created with a Halloween bucket, various outdoor furniture, a camping pad, and other outside toys. I've been laughing since I took the pictures repeating in my mind how weird and funny my kids are. Just love em!


Rachael said...

He is so cute!!! Noah rides his bike super fast and yells "Full steam ahead!" Kids are cute.

andre'a said...

i L-O-V-E his fancy gear. your writing style is changing. Ryan's influence, perhaps? :) LOVE YOU!

Monica said...

I think it's just my mood sometimes.