Friday, April 10, 2009

Potty Training is Over!

I QUIT!!! I don't want to be a negative nancy, but my children are never going to be potty trained. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to do two at once, but I was hoping it would spark some healthy competition that would aid the potty training effort. NOT SO MUCH. And I'm done. But to spite them, I'm not moving up to size four diapers. They will stay in the size threes until they're seven and then I will refuse to do any more diaper changes for anyone!


Rachael said...

Poor Bonks!!! I'm sorry. Maybe it's just too soon after a new baby. It's just like being pregnant, you'll never actually be pregnant forever. I'm sure they won't be in diapers forever. I love you!! Can't wait to see you Sunday!!

andre'a said...

Thitho, you're hilarious! I've never heard of 'Negative Nancy'...but you're not. At all. You're such a good mom, Thitho.