Friday, May 13, 2011

Falling Temperatures

We went on a super fun garage sale-ing adventure this morning. On our way out I was going to grab something from our super old freezer and noticed everything inside was melted and gross. It really was a good lesson in thinking about our needs. I don't need gallons of my own breastmilk, especially since it's from the early days of nursing my now two year old. I don't need the top tier of my wedding cake from five years ago. And I don't even need the two pumpkin pies that we didn't eat for Thanksgiving last November (I tried to heat one of them up and it was gross). The things I'm sad to let go are:
The $20 bag of chicken wings
The $10 bag of edamame
The Costco amount of freezed garlic
The 30 lbs of meat that my parents gave me from their cow (although I was able to save some of it and give some to a friend, so less of it was wasted :)

It's a good preview of what it would be like if we lost everything, although this is on a very small scale. It's good to know that I'm not too attached to anything and that loss doesn't sting me the way it does other people. I've always said the only things I would miss if my house burned down would be the baby pictures of my kids and my wedding ring. And if I did lose everything but still had my family I would be ok.


andre'a said...

what happened to the freezer? what a loss! that's such a good perspective on it, though. I tend to appreciate "things" too much. So good, Thitho!

andre'a said...

love you! not that I have any room to speak, but sure could use an update!