Monday, May 16, 2011

Manic Monday

I usually love Mondays ~ like it's a new start to the week ~ but I'm not looking forward to this one. APollo will be getting his teeth taken out under anesthesia and then I will have to keep a close eye on him for the rest of the day. That wouldn't be a big deal,but I have Halea (new name, Bossy) who has become very demanding and needy with her cast on. Ryan will be at clinicals all day, so it's all on me. I know I will get through it. The house may or may not get cleaned today, but that has to be ok. Ehh. If either of my sisters would like to call me that would be much appreciated. Love you!


Rachael said...

I'll call you later. I have to take Hazel to the doctor because she has a diaper rash that keeps making her scratch her bum while she's poopy! Sorry about Apollo's teeth and Halea's cast. You'll get through it. Love you!!

andre'a said...

hi Thitho! I didn't even check this until now. every time I call, I get a "she's-______--call back in____." so I'll try to call today...