Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Oh these kids...

Today when I went to get Apollo and Halea off of their bus, I noticed that Halea had fallen asleep on the bus. Normally she's wide awake on the bus ride home sitting next to some strange kid. Today the bus driver had put her next to Apollo and I think she felt so comfortable next to him, she fell asleep. 

Bryce went on a field trip to Chinatown in Seattle today with his class. Ryan gave him a little bit of spending money. I figured he would come home with some little trinkets or something. Nope. He came home with two grocery bags full of foods from the Chinese market. Fortune cookies galore!

Parker had his birthday last Saturday. He had decided that he was turning 58 so that he could then be older than his teacher and be her boss. 

I love all my babies so much!!!


andre'a said...

that's so funny, Monners! glad he got some room temp food. (that's something I know a little about...) :) I love that Parker wanted to be the authority in his life. he's such a card! you're really making it, Monners! you're all thriving. I love it and am so happy for you.

andre'a said...

love you'th! I'd chide you about not blogging but I'm just as bad (if not worse)...FB's so much faster and easier! You don't have to have anything too noteworthy to be on there, you knoq?

Monica said...

I agree! FB is way faster, but my more personal stuff or memorable things I put on the bloggie. There hasn't been too much that has been memorable since life is kind of a busy blur. Can't wait for summer!