Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mama in the Making

I read this wonderful story a long time ago about the miracle that mothers are. It takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 20-30 years to see the miracle unfold, so a lot of people miss it. After reading that, I have recognized the miracle that it is when a girl becomes a woman and then a mother.
This morning I was getting ready for work. Halea was sleeping in my bed. She had fallen alseep there with her dollies last night, and I didn't have the heart to move her. So, while I was doing my hair, I heard my daughter's sweet, breathy voice say in a hushed tone, "It's ok baby, mama's got you", something I have said to her when she has been upset. I looked around the corner and there she was wrapping her dolls in my workout sweat towel and rocking them. Miracle in the making!


Rachael said...

That is so sweet!

andre'a said...

Oh, that is so touching! Darling, Thitho. They are for sure miracles in the making. And we are, too.

andre'a said...

love you'th!