Monday, November 9, 2009

Moving Day

Yesterday was moving day for Halea ~ and Bryce. I've had a hard time sleeping with Halea in our room and I finally had enough. Having all the kids being sick, sleep has been harder to come by with my children playing musical beds. SO ~ we moved Bryce's bed into Parker and Apollo's room, but left his dresser and other "stuff" in his old room, and moved Halea into Bryce's old room. The boys are thrilled to all be together and Halea isn't seeming to mind her new room. It's a win~ win for everyone (especially me).


Rachael said...

Yay!!! That's awesome you can all sleep better. I wish I was there so I could help you decorate it all cute for her. Love yoU!!

Burkulater said...

That is always a lovely day over here! I love sleeping in our room with no kids!