Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life is hard right now....

Life is hard for me right now. Three of my kids are sick, and last night Ryan came down with whatever they have. It's not swine flu, but I almost think that's worse because they have to suffer through without antiviral meds like tamiflu.
Bryce is driving me nuts! He's sick and whiney, but sassy at the same time. It's like he's torn between two worlds ~ being a baby and being a man ~ but he's sick and whiney, too. He's returning to school today. The school nurse said he needs to have a temp below 100 for 24 hours before he can return to school ~ his temp is 99.9 right now, so he's returning to school. If I get a call later today to pick him up, I'm ok with that.
Apollo is so needy when he's sick, but that's so out of the norm for him that I'm enjoying it. It's hard to balance meeting his needs with Halea's because she's extra needy right now with her first ear infection. Apollo dumped all of her antibiotics onto the carpet yesterday.
Parker is my low maintenance child right now ~ what a blessing! I know this time will pass, but it really sucks right now.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Poor Bonks!! I'm sorry you're having a hard time. They'll be better soon. Good job staying positive. Love you!!