We took our kids to the free movie of the week, Horton Hears a Who (which was awesome), and then to the free sprinkler park in Auburn. We had such a good time! The water from the sprinklers was really COLD ~ but it felt good because it was in the upper 90's today. Ryan blew bubbles for the kids and they loved it. This summer is probably as difficult as my summers will get ~ having four kids, three in diapers. And I feel so blessed that Ryan is home and willing to help. Otherwise, we'd probably spend our hot days at home.
That's so nice you guys get time as a family! I can't wait for tomorrow to be over so we can spend summer time as a family, too!!
We were at that exact same movie! We didn't make it all the way through (Clark needed a nap) but we were there! It was really cute, though, the parts I saw...
actually, there was this really annoying three-year-old girl who kept asking her dad at each part what was happening and why. I felt myself get more and more annoyed, but then I realized that just sitting dumbfounded is what I would have liked from her and it was good that her dad was patient and talked to her through almost the entire movie.
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