Sunday, June 21, 2009

Life feels good!

There have been more poop things go on this weekend ~ like when both boys got back at us by taking off their poopy diapers while we were doing our garage sale. But enough of that. We had a blast doing our garage sale this weekend. We combined with Raine on Fri and Sat, and the Crass' joined us for Sat.  It felt really good to clean house and get rid of a lot of our clutter. Simplifying feels good. 
Today we renewed our temple recommends. That felt good, too. Living with everything in accordance with the gospel makes me feel like I'm doing exactly what I'm meant to be doing and that I can be an instrument in The Lord's hands. It's helping me utilize the tools I've been given to bless other's lives, and that makes me happy. 
So, the potty training continues. But at least I'm in a better place mentally to conquer this task. 


Rachael said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend. I'll call you today. Love you!

Monica said...

Tacho, I miss you.