I think you have to enjoy those funny little things in life. Like today Parker had pooped a little in his undies. I could smell poop, but didn't know where the smell was coming from, but there was a naked Parker near me, so I put it together that there was poop on his butt. I get kind on frantic when there's poop that is not contained in a diaper. I told Parker not to move, so he sat his poopy butt down on the carpet. Then I told him to "come here" (panicking now) and he scooted his poopy butt along the floor over to me. I wasn't laughing at the time, but now that I'm done steam cleaning the carpets, I can laugh about it.
Oh man. One of the things I hate most right now is stepping on wet carpet because it's 99% of the time PEE! I hate it. I hope one day I'll laugh about it.
Wouldn't it be funny if when our kids have homes of their own we peed and pooped on their carpet? Maybe that thought will help me get through this time.
And I love my hair. Thanks!
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