Saturday, November 5, 2011

Call Me Crazy...

But I just turned my kids Halloween buckets over to them. I need it (the candy) out of my house, so I'm allowing them to dispose of it however they see fit. Yes, they will probably get sick, but I'd rather have them get sick now than in three weeks when we're traveling. And my butt can quit getting bigger every time I see those stupid "fun size" candies. I want to be fun size!


Rachael said...

You are so funny. I've been letting them eat as many as their age each day but then yesterday I left it out. I have been eating more than I need to, too!

andre'a said...

you cwazy! I've been eating...and eating...and eating yumminess as well. 'tis the season, right? :)

andre'a said...

love you!