Friday, April 29, 2011

Mom Mode

I just found this picture after googling frumpy mom image. It makes me feel better and I'll explain. Things are going well, despite me getting fatter every day (ok, maybe not). I've been cleaning and going to Dr./Dentist appointments, and cooking, and spending time with my kids. I saw Kim Kardashian on the Rachael Ray show yesterday. She's gorgeous, not muscular, definitely not skinny, but still gorgeous! She wears things that flatter her and has flawless hair (extensions) and makeup. I'm trying to learn to accept my body post competition and it's really hard. My jeans are getting tight, so it's either wear sweats or wear tight jeans and be reminded that I'm not as little as I was three weeks ago. The sweats have been winning a little too much lately. With all of this in mind, I'm happier eating. Not so much about the getting fatter part, but having energy to give to my kids and not being a raging lunatic because my blood sugar is low. And at least when someone googles frumpy mom, but picture doesn't pop up (maybe now it will after this post).


Rachael said...

That is so funny. It's hard to starve yourself (or myself) when you're happy and a mom. It's not the same for me as when I was depressed and only had a baby. It's not terrible to eat and be happy.

andre'a said...

i guess we have to officially say "Goodbye" to velour. ouch.

andre'a said...

and that's my fancy wear!

Monica said...

Ryan made the comment that I have that burgundy velour suit. It is an ouch.