Saturday, June 5, 2010

Funny Story...

Funny Story: Quite a while ago, like when I was having Halea, my parents took all three boys so that I could rest up after giving birth. Parker came home with a funny little habit of peeing outside. He had stopped for a while, but during the construction we had to move the toilet outside. He freaked out a little bit when he realized there was just a hole where the toilet had been, but peed around the hole anyway. Then when he realized where the toilet had been moved (right outside the front door) he was thrilled to use the potty outside. GROSS! It's been quite a conversation piece when guests arrive.

The rest are some updated pictures of the remodel. The vinyl flooring is in and the carpet is being installed as we speak. Halea will be moving out today (across the hall). I can't wait!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Yay!!! The floor looks so good and I love her pink walls with the white window! Now I just need to come over and see it in person...though it'll probably be a while.