Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Angels

This sweet angel has been making life a little bit harder than it should be. She traded her independent, carefree, butterfly attitude for a needy baby attitude. She hasn't been sleeping well and has had a cold ~ which means I have not been sleeping well either. I took her to the Dr. yesterday: she had a 103.6 temp and a double ear infection. Now she's on antibiotics and ibuprofen and seems to be feeling much better.
Speaking of angels, I was having a REALLY hard day yesterday. I was sleep deprived and frustrated with the endless workload that has become my life since my MIL has come to live with us. Two friends of mine called a few minutes apart. They both came over and took my kids outside to play while I had a meeting with a social worker. I feel so blessed to have friends who listen to the spirit and offer help.


Rachael said...

Halle is so pretty!!! That is a perfect picture. I'm sorry you've had a hard time. I'm glad yo have supportive friends around you.

andre'a said...

Thitho, I MISS YOU! I hope that you're having a better day. I'll call soon. (after a nap--been up since 4:30)

andre'a said...

Show me the paintings!

andre'a said...

Can't wait to see them, especially since you've always loved that art guy on channel 9. Did you know that I've always wanted to learn to paint? I like watercolor.

andre'a said...

So good talking yesterday, and I love you!