Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sisters -o- Mine

My dear, sweet sisters,
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to talk on the phone very long lately. It seems like I'm about to feed someone, or change them, or dress them, or keep them out of the construction area, or I have nurses, social workers, or someone else coming over ~ and I can't talk. I miss you. Can't wait for life to calm down a bit.

P.S. How are the preggers treating you guys?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Demolition Day

Today was day one of our remodel. I think we're off to a great start and the kids are loving all the commotion in our home.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blessings, Blessings, and more Blessings...

I'm feeling very blessed. Sometimes I get bogged down in how hard things seem. But since my MIL has come to live with us, our family has become closer, my FIL has agreed to pay for a remodel on our house to make a laundry room and a bedroom for our baby girl, I've been able to keep up my running without injury, I got a new diamond ring, the Y is going to start paying me to teach my classes, Ryan was accepted to nursing school, my parents are taking Bryce and Parker for Spring Break ~ the list goes on and on. Even though sometimes it's hard, I love my life!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Halea's Birthday

Halea turned ONE on Saturday. I picked up her cake and was going to take it with us to the photo studio, but I brought it home so my sweetheart could take a picture of it. As I took the lid off of the cake, it slid off the plate it was sitting on and the only was to save it was by catching it with my lap. I got to wear frosting for the rest of the day, but Halea's pictures turned out great ~ so it was all worth it!
Later during the day, Ryan's parents came over and sang to our girl and we ate the rest of the mangled cake. I think it was great first birthday.

Ollie and his other art forms

After one of the hospice nurses left, I went to check on my MIL. I noticed that Apollo was "painting" my MIL's door with the new tube of barrier cream the nurse had left for us. He had it all over his hands, so I scolded him and told him to wash it off. A while later, I went in to turn my MIL and noticed that her face and hands looked all blotchie. It was then that I realized that Apollo had been trying to care for grandma by putting butt cream on her face and hands. In the moment it's hard to appreciate these little things, but I know I'll look back at these times fondly.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Apollo the Arteest

While I was painting this picture, Apollo swiped my tube of black paint off of the table and snuck it into his room. A few minutes later, he reappeared with this handsome beard and black hands. I'm still finding black paint in places he went during those few minutes of sneaky bliss. Then yesterday he got into my brand new black mascara and painted my bedroom wall with it. Despite my best efforts, the mascara will not come off without taking the paint with it. Thanks to my dad, I know I will need to seal the wall first, and then paint it again. It's a good thing I love this boy.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Since I've been caring for my MIL my wedding ring has been chewing into my pinkie. I took it to the ring store that we bought it at to see what they could do about it. They let me swap out of my old setting and are putting my diamond in a new setting (that's more expensive). I'm feeling so blessed! It's a beautiful setting with sixty round diamonds and thirty-two princess cuts. They are aligned in five rows beside the center stone. I will pick it up tomorrow. Can't wait!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Relaxation (here it is, Pinks)!

Every day I have a date with Bob Ross at 1:30. I love him ~ not like I love my husband ~ it's different. Bob relaxes me and for the half hour of painting bliss I get to mentally check out. My sweetheart knows of my affection for Bob and bought me a Bob Ross painting set for Valentine's Day. So here's what I've done so far. The pictures really don't do them justice.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Angels

This sweet angel has been making life a little bit harder than it should be. She traded her independent, carefree, butterfly attitude for a needy baby attitude. She hasn't been sleeping well and has had a cold ~ which means I have not been sleeping well either. I took her to the Dr. yesterday: she had a 103.6 temp and a double ear infection. Now she's on antibiotics and ibuprofen and seems to be feeling much better.
Speaking of angels, I was having a REALLY hard day yesterday. I was sleep deprived and frustrated with the endless workload that has become my life since my MIL has come to live with us. Two friends of mine called a few minutes apart. They both came over and took my kids outside to play while I had a meeting with a social worker. I feel so blessed to have friends who listen to the spirit and offer help.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Parker was diagnosed with autism today. This is not a surprise. It's nice to have a label for him, although I hate to think I'm "labeling" him. I feel like we're in good hands with the professionals taking care of him. Autism or not, he'll always be my little Parker.

Monday, March 1, 2010


It's been such a blessing to have my MIL live with us. One of the blessings I'm noticing the most is the angels that are ministering to us. We've had social workers guide us through the resources that are available to us. We had a harpist come and fill our home with the sounds of heaven. We have nurses checking in on us to make sure we have all of our needs met. I even had a volunteer come and sit with my MIL this morning so I could teach my class. People from church have even offered to sit with my MIL to give us a break. The blessings are amazing.