Thursday, February 25, 2010

Home Alone

Ok, not really ~ quite the contrary. I have all my little kiddles, my MIL, but no husband. He had school this morning, then after school he had to take care of registration at his new school, then he has volunteer hours at the hospital, and finally he will be taking Bryce to wrestling practice. I may see him at 9 pm ~ but that's wishful, probably later. I'm keeping myself busy, though. I found some old tapes in my MIL's things ~ one of the only things she has left from her life pre dementia. I put her in the living room so she could look at the water and put one of her tapes on. I noticed her tapping her toes and during the same spot in the chorus of one song she hummed along. Little things, but it makes me feel like all of this effort is worth it.


Rachael said...

That's so cute she was tapping along!! Sorry Ryan's gone so much. Michael has been lately, too and it's not much fun.

andre'a said...

Thitho, have you ever seen "Awakenings?" It's with Robin Williams but it's not a comedy. It's a wonderful movie, based on a true story, in the '60's when doctors were experimenting with medications and people with a certain kind of dimentia (I think). Well, with an expensive medication, the people were awaking and sharing things that they could see and do when they were 'out of it.' I think you and Ryan would really like it. Maybe the library?