Monday, December 21, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch

We went ding dong ditching as a family tonight. We made plates of goodies (I used all whole wheat flour ~ oops) and chose ten families in our ward that we thought could use some Christmas cheer. We put the plates on the doorstep, knocked on the door, and ran to our get away van. It was so FUN! I noticed that Ryan took the hiding much more seriously than I do. At one place, Bryce and I took a plate to a third story apartment and Ryan moved to van to a more inconspicuous place on the street. To get back to the van, Bryce and I had to jump a ditch filled with water ~ but when I landed I did so into a mushy patch of muddy grass. ICK! I was wearing these cute white shoes, too. We also looked at Christmas lights, sang Christmas songs, and got a treat at Dairy Queen. We had a great time, and I think it will be a great family tradition.


andre'a said...

Monners, you have such a comical way of writing things. I love you!

andre'a said...

can't wait to hear how your Christmas was!

andre'a said...

i need a hot dog (and a slurf) real bad!

Monica said...

Thitho, come and get one!~