Saturday, October 18, 2008

My new personal hell

I don't have a picture to illustrate this one, but my trips to the store have reached a new low. If I did have a picture you would probably see a very stressed out, angry looking woman with three beaten children around her. I took all three boys to Trader Joe's this morning because I was feeling extra brave after Bryce's soccer game. Apollo can walk, and because of that he has to stay buckled in the cart. But, he insists on wiggling himself out of the seatbelt in the cart and standing anyway. Parker spends most of his time standing in the basket and hanging one leg over the side, threatening to jump out. The store people get very nervous and tell me to please sit my children down because they could fall out. REALLY?!?!?! Sometimes I just want to scream "I promise I won't sue, just quit giving me impossible instructions!" Bryce is busy trying every sample the store has to offer, and assumes some things are samples that aren't. It had been months since I had taken all three to the store and now I remember why. I can't imagine how I'll do it with four. I'm not sure which is more hellish to me, the family photo or trips to the store with the kids. 

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