Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Graduation Vacation

My sweetheart graduated from nursing school last night! It feels so good to be done (even though it wasn't me that worked hard in school for the last three years, it still feels like a relief for him to be done :) We are going to celebrate for the next three weeks and let the stress of three years of being broke and school frazzled melt away! We're going to tour California from San Francisco to San Diego ~ and everything in between. 

If you're thinking of breaking in to my house to steal all of our good stuff, it's not here. We took it with us! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Nutcracker

I took my sweet Parker and three of his classmates to the Nutcracker. 

This is about as good as it gets when it comes to getting a good picture of Parker. 

The whole group. Ok, I didn't have to take care of the big moustachie guy. 

Too bad little Austin wouldn't squeeze in for the picture. Mandi is Parker's future wife and Maddi is his school mom. They really love him!

So pretty!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This is a different kind of Christmas season for us. We have SOOOOOO much going on! Ryan is in his final week of his nursing program and will be graduating next week. He will be giving a speech at graduation that is hilarious and should make it a memorable night for everyone there. We are planning a vacation to Disneyland to celebrate Ryan being done with school (at least until next June). There are so many things to be thankful for and I'm counting my blessings each day.