Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back 2 Schule

That's from Megamind. Summer has been nice, but it's time for the kids to go back to school. They have their school supplies and their first day of school outfits laid out. We visited Bryce and Parker's school this morning and got to meet both of their teachers. Although Parker has never attended Marvista, many of the teachers, therapists, even the principle already knew him. He was in full distractibility mode today, so I think that was a good first impression for his "school team" to see. I feel like he has a good team to work with and they will take him where he is at and help him to thrive. Bryce's teacher has a reputation for being very strict. I was worried until I met him. He was very calm and I think it will be good for Bryce to have higher expectations to meet. It should prepare him for junior high next year. This year looks promising.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Selfish Summer

I've been having a few me days (mostly every day since my birthday almost a week ago). I've been lounging outside enjoying the sun and reading books. I took an outdoor bootcamp class this morning ~ that was fun and HOT! I'm going to a friend's house to play in the lake and enjoy some girl time. Ryan doesn't see anything wrong with me taking a less hands-on approach to our home and kids. I'm feeling slightly guilty about all of this "me time", but it's so rare that I get to have it that I'm really trying to relish in it while I can.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm not trying to brag, but....

My husband ROCKS! Yesterday was my birthday. I had to teach my class ~ but I love that, so it wasn't a problem at all. Ryan and the kids did presents with me before I left to teach my class ( I got a cell phone, painting canvasses, and giftcards to my favorite stores), and he told me he was going to make breakfast for me when I got home. When I got home, the table was set with the fine china and crystal glasses. The food was REALLY fancy ~ egg souffle, fresh cut fruits, muffins, quinoa, sparkling cider, tea, bacon (all my favorites). I couldn't believe he would put so much effort into a breakfast for me and the kids. There was a knock on the door and a couple of my friends stopped by to wish me a happy birthday. Then a couple more and I realized that this was a surprise party for me (I didn't get it with the first group ~ sometimes I'm a little slow)! Ryan planned a brunch for me and six of my friends. He prepared all the food himself and borrowed pretty dishes from my mother-in-law. Brunch was such a great time with my friends! After they left we went shopping and out to lunch. Then we did the amazing trapeze thing (see below). I feel so blessed to have such a great husband, great family, and great friends!

Mon's Birthday Trapeze

Yesterday Ryan and I did a flying trapeze lesson. It was so cool! I was able to get my feet up once to do a hanging knee back flip. (it's a lot harder than it looks). Here's the video posted on youtube if you're interested:
So here's the funny thing. After everyone had gone and we had a grand finale where an advanced student was able to do a "catch" with one of the instructors (student is upside down, so is instructor, instructor grabs student's wrists and student lets go of her bar, being caught by the instructor ~ so awesome). I forgot that I was standing on the middle of a three tier observation deck that doesn't have any stairs. I stepped off and sort of caught myself, except that my toe caught the leg of an aluminum folding chair and we both fell on the floor with a really dramatic, loud crash. I was so embarrassed that I laughed with tears streaming down my cheeks all the way to our restaurant for dinner. When I woke up this morning the laughter started up again and it hasn't really stopped since. It was definitely a birthday to remember.

* Ryan and I were imitating Parker's thinking face that we have now named "the smolder" (from Tangled).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Ryan took his last final this morning and is on his way home now. He will have five weeks off before returning for his last quarter in his nursing program! The kids go back to school Sept 1st, so I hope we can enjoy these last few weeks as a complete family before we have to jump back into the kid's school routine. Let summer begin! Yay!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Game On

We started our summer softball season yesterday. We had two practices as a team, but it was surprising to see how many team members we had last night. 10 ladies and 11 men. That's HUGE for a softball team considering you only need five of each gender to play. I played catcher and took a few too many balls to my shins and ankles (which really hurts). I wore my hannible lecter mask, so at least the pretties were covered (very important). I did ok as the catcher, just ok. When it was time for me to bat I botched it EVERY SINGLE TIME! I didn't get a single hit. Not one. I nicked the ball once with the tip of the bat, but they didn't count it because I was the only one who felt it. Our sponsor is the Wing Dome and they have spicy chicken wings ~ a number 7 is the hottest and it's known to make grown men blubber. Before the season started our team made a deal that for each time a player strikes out, they have to eat 1 number 7. My brother-in-law taunted me that I would need to eat four number 7's (thank you, I wasn't counting). The coach (my love) said that was only for the guys, so I'm off the hook. Yay! But I would like to improve my game at least a little. Or just hit the ball once. Really, is that asking too much? It's funny how the best player on the team and coach can be married to the worst player. I guess opposites do attract.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Three Amigos (or two amigos and one amiga)

A week ago we took met my parents at my grandma's house to drop Bryce off to spend a week at my parents house. On our way home I thought it would be fun to take the ferry AND it WAS! The kids did great ~ although I couldn't get them to look at the camera at the same time. During the next week we missed Bryce a lot. They kept themselves busy (especially Halea) by taking baths and spreading confetti (from the paper shredder). Ok, I'm really trying to make these photos fit my post and it's not working well ~ aren't they cute, though??? Life is very different without Bryce home. The house is much calmer for me and more boring for the little ones. We are all glad to hame him back.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"Mom, your butt's really fat"

My darling Parker (the autistic one) has not learned the difference between making an observation in his head and vocalizing that observation out loud. His observations are usually right on, but the things he says can be hurtful. The worst part is that he doesn't understand that his observational comments are hurtful.

This morning I was getting in the shower (so I was naked). It's always a big show when mom's getting into the shower since we did away with all TV and video game time ~ which really means I don't get a break from them and they are glued to me all day every day. There I was naked getting ready to hop in the shower when Parker said "wow mom, your butt's really fat". I wasn't sure that I heard him correctly, so I said "what"? He repeated his statement again. I looked in the mirror and yes, it's gotten a little bigger since my competition days, but not that bad...I told him that his words are hurtful and he shouldn't say that. He said, "I know mom, but your butt is really, really fat". I again tried to tell him that his words are mean and he needs to not say that and that my butt isn't that fat. He assured me that my butt is really fat and that he needed to tell me.

I took my shower feeling more self-conscous than usual. Part of me felt hurt and the other part of me thinks it may just be the kick in the (really, really fat) butt that I need. My 33rd birthday is coming up next week, so it's probably time to reign my better eating habits in.

Monday, August 8, 2011

HOT YOGA (not hot in the sexy sense)

I'm being sarcastic with the picture I posted. I don't love hot yoga, but I don't hate it either. I only hate one of the instructors, so I will make her the subject of today's post.

Her name is Allie, but I will call her Alolf (after hitler). She had the room at 113 degrees with 40% humidity before class started and filled up, so I'm guessing it was at least 115 degrees in there with the doors shut and people filling the place. Normally it's supposed to be around 105. Once the 90 minute class starts no one is supposed to leave the room. There's also no talking allowed. So basically you are trapped in this room with no way to vocalize your discomfort (two things I hate: being trapped and being quiet). Each pose is supposed to be held for a short amount of time and then you rest between poses. Alolf started running short on time, so she eliminated the rest periods to none and kept working us through poses without a break in between, she also had us hold the poses longer than any of the other instructors have. Her yogi's in the front row were laying down in savasana pose (rest pose, lying down, heels together, palms up), so that means they couldn't even hack it! She was annoyed that people were laying down and asked what was wrong with us. People said it was the heat, so she opened one of the doors for a few seconds. I did get through the class, but I felt like I was going to die in there. My body rebelled in the next few days and my back seized up. I went back to a different instructor for another session (also 113 degrees, but rest periods were provided) and my back pain was gone, so much better of an experience. My two week trial for ten bucks is up tomorrow and I have enjoyed three of four sessions. I don't feel like it made me a more spiritual person, but I did use muscles I don't normally and now I know that I could survive in a desert that is 115 degrees (for ninety minutes, anyway).

*One cool thing: see the picture posted? I was able to pull my leg up high enough to see my foot over my head. Pretty Cool!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Parker: The Avenger or Bike Messenger???

Parker dressed himself in all of his fancy gear. Notice the bike helmet, combat gloves, shin guards (also for combat), and life jacket. In his exclamations I couldn't decipher if he thought he was a bike messenger "got to get it there", or some kind of combat avenger "I'll get those guys". I'm guessing it was more combat avenger by the hellish scene him and Apollo created with a Halloween bucket, various outdoor furniture, a camping pad, and other outside toys. I've been laughing since I took the pictures repeating in my mind how weird and funny my kids are. Just love em!